Pndus Biotech's first overseas exhibition achieved the expected results and won the Best Up & Coming Brand
Jun 23, 2022 22824

On June 19th, the overseas marketing department led by Cao Zhaohui, Vice General Manager of Pndus Biotechnology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. was awarded "Best Up and Coming Brand" at the Middle East & North Africa VAPE AWARDS ceremony!


The award ceremony, which was hosted by Vapouround, the most authoritative and influential media in the global electronic atomization industry, each award was selected by a jury composed of the world's top electronic cigarette experts from a comprehensive assessment of the brand's global market influence, global market share, technological innovation, product end-consumer acclaim and other important indicators, with nearly 1,000 participating companies, the competition was fierce.

At the end of May, with the mission of "guarding healthy life with innovative technology", Pndus's overseas marketing team, despite the rampant epidemic overseas, decided to bring our elaborate health products to exhibit in various countries and made a great show at The World Vape Show in Dubai!

At the exhibition, PNDUS received more than 150 guests. For this reason, Mr. Cao said, "This is our first overseas exhibition and we achieved the expected results!"

In the future, PNDUS will hold the "Best Up and Coming Brand" trophy and ride on the wind in the new world of atomization to create another success!

The World Vape Show in Dubai