Pndus as the first batch of electronic fogging products white list enterprises in Shenzhen airport smooth implementation of differential security screening
Jun 12, 2022 21737

With the promulgation of this year's "Electronic Cigarette Management Measures", "electronic cigarettes" national standards and other related policy documents, the electronic cigarette industry has gradually entered the era of standardized development.

On May 1, 2022, Hong Kong, which carries 40% of the function of transporting e-cigarettes, withdrew from the field of air transport of e-cigarette products, which is undoubtedly a major problem for Shenzhen as the center of the global e-cigarette industry. Baoan District Government has always been very concerned about the development of the e-cigarette industry, and to support it as a characteristic pillar industry in Baoan District, to encourage the development of atomization industry clusters, and promote the export of e-cigarette enterprises to generate foreign exchange. Under the joint promotion of Baoan District Government and Shenzhen Airport (Group), the airport took the lead in assisting enterprises to increase cargo flights, adjust transportation, and strive for warehouse space, while working with major testing institutes to further simplify the cargo transportation identification (lithium battery and vape oil) procedures, and carried out a comprehensive optimization comb in logistics capacity to improve the transportation system for e-cigarette exports, and established and facilitated the e-cigarette enterprises in Shenzhen Airport Product white-listing system policy has been implemented to solve practical problems for e-cigarette enterprises and truly provide more convenient conditions for e-cigarette product exports.

On June 1, with the support of Baoan District Government, China Electronic Chamber of Commerce Electronic Cigarette Professional Committee (hereinafter referred to as "the Committee"), Shenzhen Airport (Group) Company Limited, the Second Research Institute of the Civil Aviation Administration of China, Shanghai Chemical Testing Institute and Yunpu Fei box in-depth inspection of Pndus Biotechnology.

The experts visited the production workshop of Pndus to understand the situation, and held a discussion on "Shenzhen airport electronic atomization products whitelist enterprise identification and differential security qualification assessment standards", "electronic atomization products whitelist enterprise differential statement" and other issues for in-depth communication.

The introduction of the "white list" system is aimed at solving practical problems for e-cigarette enterprises and providing an effective way for the comprehensive development of e-cigarette enterprises and exports of e-cigarette products.

Through strict inspection, counseling and training as well as continuous improvement, Pindu as the first batch of electronic atomization products whitelist enterprises in Shenzhen Airport successfully implemented the differentiated security inspection and was recognized as Shenzhen Airport electronic atomization products whitelist enterprise!

On June 12, the products of Pndus Biotechnology as the first batch of electronic atomization products to implement the differentiated security inspection smoothly out of the warehouse!

From the park to the stamp, the whole process takes only 50 minutes, fully reflecting the Shenzhen airport in the implementation of differentiated security screening process is truly efficient and orderly, to fully shorten the time and provide attentive service to enterprises! This is the "Shenzhen speed"!

This feat fully reflects the correct guidance made by the Baoan District Government to promote the special pillar industries in Baoan District, and plays an important role in building a bridge between Shenzhen Airport Group and the international communication for e-cigarette enterprises, and also reflects the important role of the Electronic Cigarette Special Committee to guide the standardized development of the industry as its responsibility and promote the sustainable prosperity of the e-cigarette industry!